My Beloved Son; Part 10

Father’s Love Letter; YouTube

Son; Welcome Home!

Home! John 14 is such an amazing chapter as JESUS shares in this special time together with His Disciples. He shares how GOD desires to come and make His Home in us! We are His Dwelling Place! His sons and daughters, are the object of His love and affections.

Home! Come, sit and eat together. Come and share what is the desires of His and your own heart! ASK Him! He desires to give us the desires of our hearts. Psalm 37; Psalm 27:4.

He desires to share what is on His heart. Jesus did what was on His Father’s Heart! Hard to image the mutual relationship ABBA and Jesus both had! It is one of those amazing mysteries-how can it be? Yet, it is the relationship that demonstrates to us, how God desires us to share in mutual interest. It will take eternity to fully unwrap.

Heaven: We are going Home!

Imagine the Holy Spirit’s Love; Joy; Peace! GOD is Love; Life; Holy; Eternal; Beautiful; And Glorious! These are starter words getting us going in the right direction, facing into Him!

Ezekiel begins to describe the amazing fruitful and bountiful picture of the impact of His Presence being poured out… unlimited and unfathomable! God’s Presence, like an immense river from heaven, that goes deeper and greater until you are just swept alone, being carried in currents of glory, beauty, bounty, words are limiting our expressions and pictures worth a thousand words, cannot begin to imagine.

God’s Throne is peeked at in the Bible now and again! The one place God designed and created for Himself is you! The Throne of your Heart! The most astonishing place you can imagine!

Words like glistening-crystal-transparent gold… are words I have used to describe the visions I have seen, when the LORD came near and opened my eyes ever-so-graciously, allowing me to glimpse the Beauty of His Presence. Once coming down from I high ceiling as a Sword, powering itself into my hand, and causing me to fall strait-away on the floor unable to stand!

Another time-showing a Ring on my finger-so amazing representing His Identity with me!

Another time-showing me a Throne up high… in the Heaven and heavens, and what words cannot describe, in my heart… there are no words; Wonderful! Awe……

Another as a Crown, I am yet overwhelmed as to the meaning and relationship intertwined with that picture! Can it be what I think….? How is this…? The thoughts and questions passing through my mind leave me in awe…. too amazed for words!

That GOD should so make manifest His Presence through this amazing Holy Spirit is beyond understanding. But the Holy Spirit is God, in Personality and Power, in Relationship and the true ernest of our inheritance in Christ Jesus as sons of God! All this is given because of Jesus; The Cross; The Blood of Jesus, that forgives and heals our sin-soaked slavery to sin, to Redeemed-Son and Daughter of GOD; He comes revealing His Heart of love for us!  Beware: Religion does its hostile best to slip between me and My ABBA! Trying to make itself our intermediator, telling what men think God can and cannot do… no matter what God actually says in His Word! Ezekiel 47. The Holy Spirit is compared to a River of Life. The Traditions of men are compared to a swamp where the River once flowed, but now gone!  



JESUS, in John 14-15 goes on to say-IF you love me? IF?

To Love is to obey! Obedience is responding to the greatest love you can ever receive!

I know God and Love Him! I love His Word, and falling in love and dancing as David or laying down our lives for Him, is to understand, how great is this love! The weight and beauty is beyond evaluation! Soak in His Beauty; His Presence as a River!

Wait on Him, like soaking in His Presence, being saturated-Immersed in ABBA-JESUS-HOLY SPIRIT! Be filled with His Presence! More for you….

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