ABBA is not ashamed to call you “Son!” Nor is He embarrassed for you to call Him- “ABBA!” He is not ashamed of His sons! In truth, He is seeking you!
10 For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings. 11 For both He who sanctifies and those who are being sanctified are all of one, for which reason He is not ashamed to call them brethren, 12 saying: “I will declare Your name to My brethren; In the midst of the assembly I will sing praise to You.” Hebrews 2.
JESUS is not ashamed to call us “brothers!” He suffered to make perfect our salvation! To sanctify us…to bring us to glory! Jesus is made perfect in every way for us and for us to made perfect before God! “Praise the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!”
When Jesus was baptized, ABBA spoke from Heaven, identifying Himself with Jesus.
Luke 3 21 When all the people were baptized, it came to pass that Jesus also was baptized; and while He prayed, the heaven was opened. 22 And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said,
“You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.”
These are most profound words of affirmation, acceptance, love, and Identity with ABBA. For us He extends amazing grace, forgiveness, faithfulness in mercy and grace, whatever is needed to draw each of us into His Heart! God is not ashamed to identify us, with Himself!
Recently, I spoke at a youth camp! As I shared on Missions, going to the uttermost parts of the world to preach the Gospel: “JESUS Saves”, I was overcome with love for my hearers!
Suddenly, I stopped and asked: “How many of you have heard your dad say to you, “You are my son/daughter, I love you, I am so proud of you!” Out of the approximate 40 young people, three raised their hands. The rest were looking at me with sad eyes of disappointment, I can’t describe the pain and shame in their eyes! I was not surprised at the numbers.
However, I am always crushed at the reality of the response! The hearts of these young men and women who are becoming…. are wounded young men and women, seeking for love, they hadn’t gotten from their natural fathers.
Many people go into marriage or relationship or even having affairs, hoping to fix the issues! But it can’t be fixed this way: The results of such kind of thinking, were staring me in the face, that very evening! I didn’t need research to describe those in the room. Wounded children, youth, spouses, from parents, who were themselves unloved and rejected; The pain is too much!
John 3:16-17; “For GOD so loved the world!” ABBA sent JESUS to love and save us! We need love, we were created and born to be loved and to love! We were designed to receive affirmation from our parents, in whose image we were created! But that affirmation doesn’t transfer from parent to child as is yearned. We are left to assume love from our parents, or not! But we don’t know how to love, being unloved! It is our hearts that need love!
Theology tells us we are loved, but our hearts are not convinced! Hence, we need the Holy Spirit like fire, the fire of God’s love, to engage and show us. We need Him to clean us out from all the disappointments, wounds and pain of our experiences. We need Him to fill us with that all transcending emotion of love, joy, peace all rolled into one amazing wonderful expression of being immersed in the Lover of our soul, in the beauty of holiness.
We need to be touched with Love-God Himself coming to: “SAVE ME!”
The heart yearns to respond: “I am loved, valued, treasured by the LORD-My ABBA!”
God did not send Jesus to condemn the world and point out their sins-we know our guilt, fears and shame! We don’t need to be kicked, condemned, judged, accused; That is the devils’ work! We know the pain and emptiness of lost innocents; rejection; anger of injustice and disappointments! Many of us lost a lot, a long time ago!
But JESUS came to SAVE US! He kicked nobody! He called nobody names-except when He spoke the truth against religious leaders preventing people from coming to Jesus, or preventing others from encountering the Holy Spirit, the very Presence of Jesus in Spirit and Truth. Why would anybody reject the Presence of God and replace HIM with tradition and form of godliness without power! Why?
Why settle for just teaching about love, when you can have the authentic-Power Encounter in the Holy Spirit, with all the Love, Joy, Peace and Tranquility you can handle and more, even overflowing like a fountain, like Jesus said would happen! John 4.
When God actually comes into a situation or meeting, He wrecks a mess with men-He turns over the money tables and merchandizing of the things of God! Jesus puts things decent an in order-with God! Jesus makes His Father’s House, a House of Prayer-Encountering ABBA!
Many people who have been touched by the Presence of God, fall on the floor, as dead men! When angels walk into rooms it is overwhelming? How much more God Himself! Isaiah 6 tells of Isaiah’s encounter with God, falling down feeling so unclean and unworthy. Yet, he was touched, and made clean, able to RISE, OBEY and GO!
God has done this millions of times over the centuries, and NOW IT IS YOUR TURN TO ENCOUNTER THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND BECOME HIS CHILD!
Come Holy Spirit-Like Fire! Open my Eyes to See, Ears to Hear, Heart to Understand, and Open Heaven as my Home! Come like Fire, clean me out-I repent-forgive me JESUS, from all my sin and pain! I acknowledge my need to be saved, forgiven, healed, delivered, even from demonic strongholds in my life, doing the things I hate, and hating the things I do, seemingly out of my control…. helpless!
Come, change me! JESUS take my sin! You paid my penalty of death for my sin! Romans 6
Come, with ABBA-LOVE for me as a son! Lost & Coming Home! Romans 8
Come, ABBA-for such Love demonstrated in sending JESUS! Galatians 4
Come, Holy Spirit-More-More-More Fire, Love, I never knew such love! John 14-15
I confess you as My LORD & SAVIOR! Romans 10
Now: Engage His Love: There is MORE WITH HIM!
Matthew 28:18-19 GO in to all the world with this love…. loves goes!
Mark 16 HOLY SPIRIT will work with you! GO with HOLY SPIRIT and Witness GOD working, that others said He does not do today…He will do it with you! Go! Pray! See….
John 5: “Rise; Take you up your mat; Walk!” Don’t let anything or anyone stop you from Obedience-to-JESUS! Jesus asked the sick man, “Do you want to be made well?” The man began to complain. JESUS healed the man!
JESUS asks you, “What do you want?” You must be ready to take what He declares over you and rise, take whatever issue is holding you down, and walk! Jesus later finds the man, tells him to sin no more or something worse will come!
The reality is, JESUS has come to make us free; John 8:32, “He whom the Son sets free, is free indeed!” We are free to rise, run, take our testimony of who we were and declare who we are now, because of Jesus! No going back! Praise The LORD! Engage Jesus! Begin to know Him in real and personal way! Never look back…!
You-are the Messenger to your generation-wherever you are-tell what JESUS has done for you! If not you, who?
Isaiah 6: “LORD, here I am, send me!”
John 20:21 “AS the Father sent me, so send I you!”
John 5: “Rise, take up your mat, walk!” Nothing can stop Obedience to JESUS!
Lean back in chair, look up to Heaven, smile; putting hand on your heart:
JESUS-come! Save me!
Holy Spirit-come fill me with Fire of your love and make me clean! Luke 3:16-17
ABBA-come! Open my Eyes to See; Ears to Hear; Heart to Love; Heaven as my Home!
“I-Come-Here I am!”
Bible; Scriptures in Italics are from: New King James Version
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