• “My Beloved Son!”

    Father and son relationships are rarely warm and gratifying. Rarely does a father show affection or approval or pride in his son! Many sons feel anger, abandoned, discontent, shame, neglected, or some never knowing their father’s, feel a void altogether! There is no acknowledgement of “son!” Let alone, “Beloved!” Let alone, “Mine!” A son can…

  • My Beloved Son; Part 2

    “Kiss the Son, lest He be angry!” The world is saturated with fatherlessness! This is the breaking of the bonds of identity and affirmation of who we are as children. Our core need is being identified as: “My beloved son!” or “My beloved daughter!” Our sense of wellbeing is innate in our identity, being acknowledged…

  • My Beloved Son; Part 3

    “Heart of Father; Heart of Son!” Since the beginning, the relationship between fathers and sons has been broken, and sins of fathers have been passed along. When talking with other men about their relationship with their father, they may express that their father loved them. When asked if their father ever said: “I love you…

  • “My Beloved Son!” Part 4

    Since Part 1 of “My Beloved Son”, we have seen the broken relationship of fathers with sons, and men with GOD! Broken relationships are part of the curse. Sin darkens and blinds the true nature of open, unashamed relationships with each other, and with GOD. JESUS, the Son of God, the Son of man, came…

  • My Beloved Son; Part 5

    Heart of Father and Son! Fathers beget sons! The Bible is a Father/Son book. From Adam begetting Cain and Abel, to Joseph, the husband of Mary, who was thought to be the father of Jesus! But as the narration goes on, it makes clear Joseph goes back to Adam, who was the son of God….

  • My Beloved Son; Part 6

    “My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased!” Father and son relationships, we discover are full of disappointments. As a father, you discover how hard it is to be a good father, even when doing your best! And, if feeling like a failure, there are no words or comfort, watching your son walk out…

  • My Beloved Son: Part 7

    ABBA/Son-Jesus; Me too! What is it to be in living relationship with GOD, as Father? As Daddy?” Jesus very reason for coming was to restore us back to God in Father and son relationship! We as sin-soaked man, are void of our own power to do anything in the miraculous. We are left only to…

  • My Beloved Son; Part 8

    ABBA & Sons JESUS was baptized in the Jordan River, thereafter, anointed with the Holy Spirit. Afterward, He began to move in power, knowing the mind of His heavenly Father, as revealed by the Holy Spirit! This same Holy Spirit, now reveals the heart, desires, will and thoughts of God to us. The will of…

  • My Beloved Son; Part 9

    “ABBA LOVES YOU!” ABBA is not ashamed to call you “Son!” Nor is He embarrassed for you to call Him- “ABBA!” He is not ashamed of His sons! In truth, He is seeking you!   10 For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many…

  • My Beloved Son; Part 10

    Father’s Love Letter; YouTube Son; Welcome Home! Home! John 14 is such an amazing chapter as JESUS shares in this special time together with His Disciples. He shares how GOD desires to come and make His Home in us! We are His Dwelling Place! His sons and daughters, are the object of His love and…